8. October 2022

From “Knowing It All” to “Learning It All”

In his great book ‘Hit Refresh’, Satya Nadella describes his inspiring journey in transforming Microsoft inside-out, by rediscovering and refreshing its purpose, setting clear priorities, changing the portfolio, etc. but maybe most importantly, by refreshing the culture/mindset from “Knowing It All” to “Learning It All.”

He illustrates that a key element was to empower people again as he felt that a lot of people wanted to change, but had framed themselves as victims of the system, waiting for others or senior leaders to change first. It’s a great reminder that no transformation succeeds if this power to act is not rekindled.

The Power of Co-Elevation

In a transformation, it is key to create high-performing teams that cut across reporting line structures. In this context, I very much like Keith Ferrazzi’s

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